Dash To Success Student Success Team

Student Success Team Pilot

Holistic Student Support Redesign

The next focus of Guided Pathways is the shift to holistic student supports, redesigning to serve students who need it most. Shifting from cafeteria style student supports to a proactive and integrated model. The goal is to connect students to their Community of Interest (COI) and/or program early and use student information to provide the right supports at the right time.

Butte College Student Success Team 

Butte College implements student success teams are organized by career and academic communities of interest. The teams comprise cross-divisional faculty and staff who collaboratively engage in cohort management to support and assist a group of students from entry to completion, focusing on equitable outcomes. The teams focus on student journey momentum points to provide the right support at the right time.

Student Journey Momentum Points

Program Momentum: Persistence from term to term with a focus on completion.

Transfer Ready Momentum: Completion of transfer-level math and English.

Connection to Support Momentum: Connecting to student support that fosters student belonging, basic needs, financial & academic support


Student Success Design Team

Designing For Every Student To Belong ♥

The Student Success Design Team is a cross-functional group of faculty and staff that have designed a Community of Interest (COI) based Student Success Team (SST). 

An SST provides coordinated student-centered support inside and outside the classroom. The Butte SST will use a data driven cohort management approach to assist students from entry to completion with a focus on equitable outcomes. The prototype model will be used in an SST pilot in the Spring of 2023. The SST will pilot in two COI, Science Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) and Social Behavioral Sciences, Communication and Education (SBSC).

Rachel Sicke, Student Services Faculty, Jacob Vazquez, Instructional Faculty and Amanda Montgomery, Guided Pathways Grant Manager led the design process in participation with Guided Pathways Lead Deans, Robert White and Tammera Shinar.

Design Phases
    • Inquiry and data review of the student experience.

    • Identify strategies and interventions.

    • Define student momentum points and milestones

    • Develop and define roles, responsibilities, and work flow.

    • Technology identification and alignment.

SST Designers

    • Angel Ventura-Plascencia, Student Success Supervisor
    • Brad Zuniga, Interim Vice President of Student Services
    • Brian Donnelly, Director of Career Services
    • Brian Murphy, Director Institutional Research
    • Carrie Monlux, Dean of Instruction SBSC
    • Carrie Roberson, Faculty Instructor Child Development
    • Dawn Blackhorse, Supervisor Retention Specialist
    • Denise Adams, Dean of Instruction
    • Donald Robinson, Instructional Dean Industrial Technology Programs
    • Jeannie Lybbert, Director Financial Aid and Veterans Services
    • Jeff Jordan, Instructor Physical Education
    • Liliana Guzman, Program Coordinator
    • Lisa Kekaha, Instructor Language Education
    • Miles Streleck, Student and SI Coordinator
    • Rebecca Berner, Dean Student Services
    • Robert White, Dean of Instruction STEM/Guided Pathways
    • Tammera Shinar, Dean of Student Services
    • Tina Day, Learning Resource Instructor


Grad Pic


Designing Student Success Teams to Provide a Student-Centered Ecosystem Insights from Guided Pathways Webinar: "Leading holistic Student Supports Reform", March 2022 in association with Phase Two Advisory.

Butte College Student Success Design Team Meeting Presentation.

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